Oct. 2 – The Cósmulon release party with Guardianes del Cosmos


Guardianes del Cosmos is a Spanish floating collective/agency deeply connected through interstellar space between NYC and Madrid that focus most of its energy on arts & digital media such as illustration, comics, painting and graphic design, video, programming, apps, internet, etc. The collective was born when Manuel Donada started Watdafac Gallery in Madrid. Since then the space has moved to Brooklyn, and now an exhibit in Portland!

The Cósmulon is the entity and energy behind their hands that helps them to create, the quasar that guides these individuals through the light. Is also the indelible aura that protects them in their journey from its very beginning to its final form. Their devotees participate with commitment and perseverance in every project which enables us to create thoughtful solutions and approach excellent goals.

All members and artists in this cosmic society do strongly believe in their potential. They experiment, research, discover, feel, fail, laugh, teach and learn.

Their first real mission together : “Nuevo Régimen Solar¨( New Solar Regime”) – has taken 4 of them to Portland with an example of their most recent work. This time Mario Riviere, Berto Fojo, Andrés Magán and Manuel Donada have been the chosen space commando to put together prints, original artwork, comics..etc, specially for Floating World Comics.

THE CÓSMULON is the magazine they have created as a collective. This first issue will be available at the exhibition. Only 50 copies printed!

WHO: Manuel Donada in attendance, artwork by Mario Riviere, Berto Fojo, Andrés Magán and Manuel Donada
WHAT: The Cósmulon release party and exhibit
WHEN: Thursday October 2nd, 6-10pm
WHERE: Floating World Comics, 400 NW Couch St

You can find images and more info about the artsits here:

Mario Riviere – http://www.guardianesdelcosmos.com/mario-riviere-portfolio

Berto Fojo – http://www.guardianesdelcosmos.com/berto-fojo-portfolio

Andrés Magán – http://www.guardianesdelcosmos.com/andres-magan-portfolio

Manuel Donada – http://www.guardianesdelcosmos.com/manuel-donada-portfolio