PLAZM – the best (local) magazine you haven't read!

PLAZM is a Portland based design and culture magazine. They’re also a design studio and type foundry that’s worked for LAIKA, the NW Film and Video Festival, PNCA, Nike, and was voted one of the world’s top 40 design firms by ID magazine. Creative director Joshua Berger developed the website, dedicated to the distribution of free anti-war graphic material. PlazmFonts director Pete McCracken does the Morrison for tribute band Doors of Perception. Plazm magazine has been published since 1991 and the complete catalog is included in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

It’s been 4 years since the last issue, but their 15th anniversary issue was definitely worth the wait.


144 pages, perfect bound. Tons of great content including:
– the Milton Glaser pictured above – a big shout out to Mr. Glaser!
– Patrick Long’s drawing series Cop Love. Finally publishedin spite of police protests.
– Dave Thomas, the legend behind Pere Ubu, on the influence of the amazing Ghoulardi
– Julia Bryan-Wilson interviews Steven Kurtz on bioterrorism, art and the Patriot Act.
– Gus van Sant in conversation with Matthew Stadler
– getting lucky with Peaches
– three drawings by Raymond Pettibon
– new drawings by Kristan Kennedy
– Iran’s leading graphic designer Reza Abedini
– poster and packaging art by E*Rock
– anti-war graphics in the digital age
– Marlene McCarthy interviewed by dramaturge Felix Ensslin and artist Sue de Beer
Lots more.

I particularly enjoyed the Gus Van Sant interview, the Peaches interview, the Ghoulardi article, and ‘NOTES ON PETTY THEFT’, the account of an ex-shoplifter, by Oscar Rainier, e*rock’s posters, and the excerpts from Melina Rodrigo’s zine ‘A.W.’.

Here’s a preview of Patrick Long’s endearing series, COP LOVE.