Once the artwork arrived for the Yakuza-eiga inspired exhibit, Battles Without Honor and Humanity, I contacted Sloane Leong, the curator of the show, and let her know how excited I was about the quality of the submissions. There was already quite a bit of demand from the preview images online, so we were excited to produce a limited edition, 28 page zine as a catalog of the show.
23 Yakuza-eiga inspired illustrations by:
Ronald Wimberly (d-pi.com)
Patrick Fisher (rghayati.com)
Joanna Krótka (joannakrotka.com)
Jeremy Sorese (jeremysorese.com)
Alexis Ziritt (aziritt.net)
Roxie Vizcarra (roxination.com)
Andrew MacLean (andrewmaclean.tumblr.com)
Morgan Jeske (morganjeske.tumblr.com)
Ian MacEwan (popjellyfish.tumblr.com)
Rebecca Mock (rebeccamock.com)
Logan Faerber (dobotdo.com)
Kris Mukai (krismukai.com)
Sloane Leong (sloanesloane.com)
Maritsa Patrinos (maritsapatrinos.com)
Amei Zhao (ameizhao.com)
Ryan Andrews (ryan-a.com)
Hunter Heckroth (hunter.carbonmade.com)
Emma Rios (steinerfrommars.blogspot.com.es)
Zack Soto (studygroupcomics.com/zacksoto)
Aluisio C. Santos (flickr.com/photos/zsabreuser)
Hwei Lim (hhhwei.com)
Ralph Niese (ralphniese.deviantart.com)
Sophia Foster-Dimino (hellophia.com)
Yakuza Papers
28 pages, 4.75″ x 7.25″, FC