April 15 – We Should Improve Society Somewhat online release party with Matt Bors

Surveying our current dystopian hellscape, Matt Bors makes the bold declaration that We Should Improve Society Somewhat in this collection of comics from The Nib’s founding editor. Join us for a live-streamed release party and book reading, with signed books available for mailorder online!

Working as a political cartoonist for more than a decade, Bors’ brain is now fully melted by the internet and churning out his most memorable satire.This book collects his best work from the last several years of non-stop political tumult over Trump, ineffectual Democrats, the collapse of all reason, and the hypocritical sin of participating in society while criticizing it.

WHO: Matt Bors
WHAT: We Should Improve Society Somewhat online release party and reading
WHEN: Wednesday April 15, 6pm PST
WHERE: Twitch.tv/Floatingworldcomics live-stream

“Jamming more substance, finely calibrated moral nuance, and sheer grim hilarity into four panels than seems quite humanly possible, Bors is a superhero for our age.” — Alison Bechdel, author of Fun Home

“Bors always manages to make us laugh through the tears while confronting the urgent crises and systemic injustices we face as a country and a planet.“ — Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater and Dirty Wars.

“An essential voice for the apocalypse.” — Nate Powell, author of The March
