The next Comics Club is October 15th at Floating World Comics in the Lloyd Center at 5:30pm!
Organized by cartoonist Liz Yerby, Comics Club is a monthly reading series for local weirdo cartoonists. This series highlights a range of art that is – explicitly queer and trans – nonfiction and personal – immersive, surreal. Come out and hear some comics and support the artists by getting some comic books!
Featured readers for October are Andrew Paris (@paris_ux on Instagram), Elise Baker, BB Andersson (@bbandersson), Jim Kettner(@xkettnerdx) and Graham Barry (@mistermungo).
Please wear a mask!
WHO: Andrew Paris, Elise Baker, BB Andersson, Jim Kettner, Graham Barry
WHAT: Comics Club reading
WHEN: Saturday October 15, 5:30 – 7:00pm
WHERE: Floating World Comics, 1223 Lloyd Center