Saturday May 6 is Free Comic Book Day! We’ll have free comics available all day at our new location in the Lloyd Center (2nd floor next to Gambit Games).
We’re excited to host a signing with Portland writer Casey Gilly (Buffy, DnD Ravenloft, Star Wars, Archie) from 1-3pm. She’ll be signing copies of her new book, Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Lost Summer. Buffy cosplayers will get a raffle ticket to win Buffy prizes!
Local artist Jason Fischer-Kouhi will also be on hand offering Comic Caricatures!
WHO: Casey Gilly, Jason Fischer-Kouhi
WHAT: Book signing, Buffy cosplay raffle, Comic Caricatures
WHEN: Saturday May 6, 1-3pm
WHERE: Floating World Comics, 1223 Lloyd Center