Floating World is hosting a special screening of the Alex Garland penned (and possibly directed, according to Karl Urban) 2012 action-classic, the Drokk-tastic Dredd!
Hosted by Floating World’s owner Jason Levian, the store will be on site to sell a bunch of super cool stuff – including Judge Dredd comics, the limited edition event poster by Grim Wilkins, and so much more!
We swear to Grud it’ll be a good time, so sky surf to the Hollywood on 7 /18 for a block party like no other!
Tickets here
Thursday July 18, 7:30pm
Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd.
Mega City One is a vast, violent metropolis where felons rule the streets. The only law lies with cops called “judges,” who act as judge, jury and executioner, and Dredd (Karl Urban) is one of the city’s most feared. One day, Dredd is partnered with Cassandra (Olivia Thirlby), a rookie with powerful psychic abilities. A report of a terrible crime sends Dredd and Cassandra to a dangerous area controlled by Ma-Ma (Lena Headey), a drug lord who will stop at nothing to protect her empire.
Tags: Hollywood TheatreJudge Dredd