A VENGEANCE Is For The LIVING & Vacuum Decay signing!!!
Featuring the creators of VENGEANCE Is For The LIVING – Keenan Marshall Keller and Alex Delaney!
With Vacuum Decay Creator, Artist and Publisher; Harry Nordlinger premiering the new devastating horror comics anthology, Vacuum Decay 7!! Seven cartoonists, 76 pages of existential terror. Featuring brainrotting stories by Nik Ruby, Karmichael Jones, Jayro Lantigua, Michael Falotico, Keenan Marshall Keller, Harry Nordlinger and David Enos.
Come out to the mall and party with some comics freaks!!!
WHO: Keenan Marshall Keller, Alex Delaney and Harry Nordlinger
WHAT: Vengeance Is For The Living & Vacuum Decay signing
WHEN: Friday November 1, 4-7pm
WHERE: Floating World Comics, 1223 Lloyd Center
Keenan Marshall Keller is the writer/co-creator of The HUMANS from IMAGE Comics.
Alex Delaney is the creator of The Derelict and The Other Side of Town.
Harry Nordlinger is an artist, cartoonist and illustrator from San Francisco, California. He does commission work for bands, movie theaters and other local businesses, as well as self publishing his own comic series, Softer Than Sunshine.