1st Thursday with Evan Meister & Chris Haberman!

A few reasons you’ll want to check out our First Thursday show this month.

Evan Meister is coming up from Eugene and he’s bringing his art and a posse. I’ve only seen what he had on his myspace page briefly but I was like, whoa, you wanna design a poster for my shop? I would love that! I can’t wait to see his art up on the walls. Crystals, raccoons, and weird lovely forest folk. Sounds like a Miyazaki film.

We’re also going to be showing some awesome paintings by Portland artist Chris Haberman. He’s had dozens of shows in the past couple years around town and is also an active writer/poet/journalist. Chris is an old school comics fan and I think we can look forward to some of his works that are more geared towards comics folk-art and culture.

That’s all I got, except this will also be our last First Thursday show at this spot. Why is that? Because we’re moving to a bigger and better location at NW 5th and Couch across from Upper Playground, JustBe, Backspace, Ground Kontrol, Motel, etc… on November 1st! Yeah I’m prettty excited.

Our grand opening will be November 2nd which is next months First Thursday and we’ve got a creator signing with Jamie Rich and Joelle Jones to celebrate their awesome new Oni graphic novel ‘12 Reasons Why I Love Her‘. But I love this little spot that we started with and I hope you come by to bid it farewell if you haven’t seen yet.