Wow has it been two years already? In that time Floating World has successfully become a part of the art community in Portland and established it’s niche as a “curated” comic book store, the “record store” of comic stores, if you will. It’s very rewarding to witness the transition from dream, to vision, to shared reality – the dream became real when customers came in and made the store part of their lives. Thank you! To make room for some remodeling and expansion we’re having a big 50% sale to coincide with this show.
Let’s celebrate the good times next 1st Thursday, July 3rd. I’ve invited three artists whom I strongly associate with the formation of Floating World: Joseph Cross, who designed our original logo and postcard images, Evan Meister, our “house artist” who just designed our latest t-shirt, and Blaise Larmee, a local artist who recently moved to NY but will be visiting for the show.
I’m also proud to announce that the 2nd issue of Floating World’s experimental comics tabloid DIAMOND COMICS will debut at the show.
WHO: Joseph Cross, Evan Meister & Blaise Larmee
WHAT: 2 year anniversary, gallery show and opening reception
WHAT: Comic release party – DIAMOND COMICS 2 and Blaise Larmee’s comic debut
WHEN: Thursday, July. 3rd, 6-10PM
Show runs through June. 31st
JOSEPH CROSS – Between teaching gigs at PNCA and freelance graphic design work for Nike, Joseph Cross has been building a unique portfolio of branding images for Floating World Comics, Supertrash film fest and also illustrating his first comic book with writer Morgan Clark. A brief synopsis of Topless Nomad:
“Topless Nomad is a Manga influenced political sci-fi thriller that exploits and explodes the modern folklore surrounding the US government’s top secret psychological warfare units, and the legendary warriors who founded them. When, bystander, Robin Fitzgerald is targeted by a mercenary psy-ops firm, he must open his mind to master
the art of metaphysical combat and uncover a conspiracy that could unravel the fabric of Human civilization.”
In addition to pages from this gorgeous production, we will also present an amazing selection of poster images that Joseph has designed for the store over the past 2 years.
EVAN MEISTER – Evan Meister recently moved from Eugene to Portland to go to school and be closer to the art scene here. The art scene should consider itself lucky. Evan’s super fun style mixes heavy metal notebook cartoons with Where’s Waldo like miniature details. This is his 3rd show at Floating World and he’s resident artist as far as I’m concerned. His artwork will also be seen in the new issue of DIAMOND COMICS and on the latest Floating World t-shirt design, both of which debut at the show.
BLAISE LARMEE – Blaise Larmee recently moved to New York City but will be returning to visit Portland for this show. His comics have appeared in the You Ain’t No Dancer comics anthology and his new self published zine will be available at the show. On his blog he admits that he is fascinated with dreams and how the storytelling structure of dreams fits with comics so well. Blaise is developing a unique aesthetic that can be described as experimental, almost sketchy or unfinished in some places. It’s likely that we’re witnessing the formation of an amazing new comics illustrator.
DIAMOND COMICS 2 – The second issue of Floating World Comics experimental comics tabloid will also debut at this show. Maybe you were lucky enough to find a copy of the first issue around town. They’re free at cafes, bars, and shops all over Portland. Issue 2 features more incredible work from Luke Ramsey, Evan Meister, Barnaby Ward, Bald Eagles, Kevin Hooyman and more.
Floating World Comics
20 NW 5th Ave 101, Portland, OR 97209
Store hours: Everyday 11-7pm