It’s the moment the world has been waiting for: the return of everyone’s favorite musclebound punk/metal romantic odd couple, Henry and Glenn. Over the course of three short stories, our metaldude heroes love, fight, hang out at the spa with Lars and James, squabble about property values with friendly satanist neighbors Hall and Oates, and work out their differences in therapy. It’s hardcore. It’s hilarious. It’s a true testament to the power of love to overcome even the biggest, manliest egos of our time.
“Henry & Glenn has such huge potential, and perhaps a sequel could tackle the idea more thoroughly” -Punk News
What if Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig were a gay couple who lived together? —Vice Magazine
The bigger the fan of each of these guys you are, the bigger the laugh. —Maximum Rocknroll
Goes beyond the tired and obvious bromance genre. —Carrie Brownstein, NPR
An unauthorized work of fantasy [like] the ‘official’ personas of Rollins and Danzig. —LA Times
BONUS: We will also debut the book release of Katie Skelly’s NURSE NURSE published by Sparkplug Comics Books at this show.
WHO: Tom Neely, Ed Luce, Benjamin Marra
WHAT: Book release and signing
WHEN: Friday, April 27th, 6-8pm
WHERE: Floating World Comics, 400 NW Couch St.
Tom Neely is a founding member of The Igloo Tornado, the art fraternity who brought you the original Henry & Glenn Forever. As well as many other art making pursuits, Neely has made a lot of comic books including his award winning graphic novel, The Blot, a comic book for The Melvins, Your Disease Spread Quick, most recently the critically acclaimed painted novel, The Wolf, and many more. All released by his own independent publishing house I Will Destroy You.
Ed Luce is the San Francisco-based creator of Wuvable Oaf. Often referred to as “The Scott Pilgrim of gay comics”, Oaf has made appearances in Maximum RockNRoll, Bear Magazine, FUR: The Love of Hair (Bruno Gmunder) and No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics (Fantagraphics).
Benjamin Marra is the notorious and influential creator of Night Business, Gangsta Rap Posse, and The Incredibly Fantastic Adventures of Maureen Dowd. Marra has been recognized by The Society of Illustrators, The Society of Publication Designers, and 3×3. His clients include Playboy, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, Vice, and Marvel Comics. He’s been featured in GQ, Vice, and Obey.
Igloo Tornado is an art fraternity founded in 2004 by Tom Neely, Scot Nobles, Gin Stevens and Levon Jihanian. The idea for Henry & Glenn Forever fell out of their beer-soaked brains one night at a bar and nothing has been the same since. They’ve done a lot of other stuff that nobody cares about, and have even been called “the best people in Los Angeles.”
Cantankerous Titles was founded in 2009 as a new publishing project by Joe Biel of Microcosm Publishing dedicated to “showing how the world works.” Recent titles include Cambodian Grrrl, Between Resistance and Community and Aftermass: A Post-Critical Mass Portland.